Monday 16 December 2013

Analysing magazine covers - Magazine Cover 2

Magazine cover 2

This magazine cover advertises one of the Harry Potter films was previewed and new at the time it was released. I found that a lot of magazines use the same colours and have three main colours that they always use. On this magazine the colours used are white, red and yellow. 
I took ideas of the layout of this magazine and created similar formats on my own magazine cover. For example, where it says 'MASSIVE PREVIEW SPECIAL' I took and my put on my own magazine. I think it the size of the font and the boldness uses the space well which is why i used it in my own. I don't think this magazine is as eye catching as magazine cover, however i did
 draw some inspiration from it, to get an idea of how to format my text. 
The main character is slightly been placed to the left rather than to the centre of the cover. However i decided to put the actor in the middle of the front page.
I think this magazine cover is good in the way it has been formatted, however i think more information needs to be included to tell us what is inside.
Even though i know that Harry Potter is an action/fantasy, The image of the character also tells the reader that the film is an action film, this is how the make up has been used on his face.

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