Thursday 5 December 2013

DVD Sleeve/Research

DVD Sleeves.

The format of a dvd sleeve includes more information than an average film poster. Every DVD sleeve is different in their own way but they all contain the basics. For example,  They all include the blurb on the back, snapshots of the film, an age certificate (BBFC), and a credits bar if it isn't  on the front. 

Avatar - The dvd sleeve for avatar has the following, a purpose, audience, reception and consent. The purpose of this dvd sleeve is to try and sell it to the audience that this specifies for, so 'avatar' would be probably target an audience of teenager adults, at the age of 15+. The difference between this and theatrical poster is that it includes more information about what the film is about without giving the whole summary of the film. From the dvd sleeve, you can notice straight away that genre of the film is sci-fi/fantasy film. This is because of the font that is used and the snapshots that are used on the back of the dvd sleeve. On the back of any dvd sleeve, there usually is  bbfc age certifiacte. The fonts are easy enough and clear to read, because of how popular the film actually is, the face on the front of the sleeve is easily recognised before even looking at the main title.
The back of the sleeve is very important as this is what hold all the information about the film. For example, the summary of the film (without giving too much away), what is included in the dvd, such as special features etc. Also what newspapers have said about the film, to persuade someone else to watch it. 
In my opinion i think this dvd sleeve is simple but creative. It is very colourful which is eye catching to to a customer that would walk past it in a shop, i don't think anything should be improved or added to the sleeve. 

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