Monday 16 December 2013

Evaluation/Magazine Cover

This is the complete version of my magazine cover. I researched ideas by analysing different film magazines to see what the format was like and get an idea of how a magazine is made. I simply typed in 'film magazine covers' and got inspiration from two different film magazines.

On the magazines i analysed, the backgrounds were white, however to get the reader to know i was advertising a supernatural horror film, i had to think of something different.
 The genre of my film is a supernatural horror so i had to make it look i was advertising a horror film. By doing this i used a number of different effects and gradients and added a background. To make it look dark and misty, I dragged the gradient effect from the bottom of the screen and pulled it up about halfway, this made it look like i was advertising a scary movie.

I got the title of the magazine cover from another cover. However i changed the font, size, boldness,and even brought it off the screen by using a drop shadow effect. I got my inspiration from 2 different magazine covers. one called 'EMPIRE' and another one called 'TOTAL FILM'. By putting a drop shadow on the magazine title, it made it a lot clearer and much more effective.
I have used different sized fonts to make it eye catching for the reader, to improve i think i should of made the font a bit more clearer by either a drop shadow effect or use the stoke effect to make it bit bolder.At the bottom of my magazine cover, i have added even more information about what is included with this issue. Like any other magazine, you usually get something free with it to persuade a customer to purchase it, which is why included it.

The character in the middle of the magazine cover as when i analysed another film cover, the character was in the middle. I also thought that by doing this, the text will be clearer and easier to read if its placed down the side of the cover.
Like other covers, i have used three main colours, red black and white. I tried to makes it eye catching for the reader by doing this, as well as it looking professional at the same time.
I tried to keep the same theme throughout creating the cover. I used some of the same fonts from my movie poster and dvd sleeve. I have added an extra font that was called 'code bold'. I took this font from a website called the 'da font',  I needed the right font to fit my magazine cover, and i didn't want it looking to much like a film poster.

Every issue of a magazine has the date, what number issue it is and the date it was published, i added this to my magazine however it isnt very clear to read, to improve it i think the change the colour and the size to make it little bigger.
To improve this i think i need to include images in my magazine, for example, pictures of the what is including in this issue of the magazine, or up coming films that are previewing soon. This will also add a bit more colour to the front cover.

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